Friday, May 02, 2008

Teehee.. We Were Once So..

was just scrolling through links of the "little children" of the church i attend back home, and these "little children" have BLOGS!

golly. and they're not very little anymore.
they're... they're.. 14. the champion age of being a TWEEN.

reading through their material (wah sei, i talk like i'm so old, but i've been blogging since 2003! aih), i can conclude that the standard of english these days are horrendous! they absolutely CANNOT spell! what is it with the education system back at home?? aren't they already having math and science in english? if so, then why can't even some of them spell "sauce"???

yea anyway, the things they whine about.. hahahaha.. funny lah. school woes, friendship woes, the "being cool" factor, aih aih aih...

kinda makes me appreciate what growing up is all about. personally, i can't be bothered about school woes (unless they suck my money and treat me badly!), friendship woes (i've learnt that people can stab you in the back if you don't look and they eventually leave... or not. it's really up to them.), and the "being cool" factor (hahahhaha. take it to somebody who cares).

in one way, those trivial worries that seem so gargantuan back in the day now just seem, well... trivial. but i guess everyone will have to go through that stage IN ORDER to realise that such things will eventually be.... trivial.

another trend is.. jumping on the bandwagon.
while speaking to someone recently, i mentioned that he wouldn't find any pop culture here. ever. but pop culture is EVERYWHERE. it's crawling and spilled all over the youths of today. seeping slowly but surely into their minds, controlling them subconsciously on what to wear what to buy what to say what to eat where to eat where to go who to be with who to see... blahblahblah.

makes me wonder...
where are their backbones?!


Unknown said...

pop culture will exist, as long as there is media, TV, Radio, Magazines.

even the internet. and BLOGS!

everybody is somehow a trend setter.

so, you cannot escape.

this girl said...

hehe :)
sigh oh well, i guess? :)