Friday, July 25, 2008


Considering going private... or not.

While I have absolutely no problem airing my affairs into public space, I feel that with the recent rise of contributors to the "blogging world", my contribution to this epidemic seems... unauthentic already.

I have no current ambition to be a "celebrity blogger", neither do I have the desire to garner how many how many hits (Fuyio 1000 readers oh).

Too obliged to think of something interesting to say or post, that this joy of mine is becoming an almost dreaded task. Also, allowing comments (for some very good reasons), leaves me with such anxiety and anticipation as to what people will say/think about me/my posts. I don't want to be subject to such anticipation! Unavoidable, I assure you.

So let me leave this space for now. I will be safe! :D
I only hope you all will too :)
Look after yourselves with the best, and take good care of the ones you love :) has been great :)
This one year of superficial penning has done me good, served me well, and hopefully made you laugh (or cringe, hehe).



debbeh woo! said...

butt whys?!
you is no writey here for awhile?

(wah.i haven't seen this word in awhile)

you is entertaining writah.

daniel said...

debbeh has too many cheezburgerz

write more lah yang :(

mindy said...

wah. serious?!??
don't la wei haiyoh.

Wenzz said...

Keshiaaaa don't lah stop blogging! I need my daily dose of humour and sarcasm... :(

Emoporer said...

I wonder... nevermind.