Sunday, March 15, 2009


My heart aches for beautiful women of the past and present who have or are wasted/wasting their lives away partaking in one vice or another.

I am SO intrigued by the lives of Marilyn Monroe, Edith Sedgewick, Dorothy Dandridge. These women had such charisma, such charm, and such eloquence to their demeanour. Traits that one could only dream of having.

But of course, one person's garbage is another person's treasure.


I am a horrible, horrible person. 
Who I want to be and who I am is so different.
What is this called again? Darn. Learnt it in uni and now I've already traded it for Long-Acting Broncho Dilators.

And speaking of LABAs,
What am I doing?


It's been a long time since I've felt pretty.

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