It is a sad, sad shame when I find myself focusing on all the negative things floating my way, EVEN in light of the GOOD things that God has placed before me.
My failing human nature has once again prevailed by sidetracking my one-track mind into forgetting the good and wonderful things that are already mine.
The constant need for us (we, me) to chase perfection has blinded us from appreciating what we already have, resulting in only more unhappiness! How ironic. The pursuit of happiness-- resulting in dissatisfaction.
No matter what, it is well with my soul.
Man, will fail me but my God, my Lord never will.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above, Ye Heavenly Hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Evil bitch rant saved for another day.
Very inspiring read for the morning. Thanks. :-)
Essay Writing
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