Monday, March 08, 2010

Why Girls Are More Heartbroken.

Because girls simply cannot resist a man who has a deep, dark, vulnerable valley etched inside their hearts. Because there is nothing better to a woman than a cry for help-- even if there isn't an audible one.

We save. We like to save. In essence, we are saviours.

This is so, because OBVIOUSLY, there is nothing more safe than long flowy hair, our dainty red curved lips, our soft comforting skin, and our seemingly fragile fingers that caress and love a man.

But this is where it diverges. 

Men don't cry for help. And so, these cries we girls hear are actually, non-existant!
And when we give our all to a man who didn't ask for it, we expect for them to do the same.

If we're lucky, we sometimes get the reciprocation we so desire.
But most times, we don't. Ouch? 

A man is a doctor. A woman, on the other hand; is a therapist.
Doctors find the best possible way to fix the problem to yield immediate healed results.
Therapists concentrate on the long-term healing of a person's life. It goes much deeper and further than just medicine.

So girls, the next time you see a man "crying" for help, remember that you MAY very well be setting yourself up for heartbreak.

And that's how the cookie crumbles.


In this lifetime said...

I 100% agree with this post.
Girls and boys are polar oppisites in this region.
p.s(who does p.s anymore.. but check out our blog.)

this girl said...

Who are we: ya opposites attract! :)

Aimay: :)

Em said...

So true.. but sometimes that's not a good thing =(

lizzithenotsoamazing said...

I can't even begin to say how much sense that makes.

Micha Midnight said...

Wow. So needed to read that today!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your blog.
I'll definitely be following.

Check out mine. I think you'd especially love it:

galucr said...

hello, i'm gala i'm fifteen and i am from argentina, buenos aires ( la plata ) i really like this, it is all yours? it's a side of seeing the things that make us (all the women in the world) think hours and hours, and days, and you make it so simple!
ok. it is great, kisses. Gala

this girl said...

Thanks for all the love :)

Gala: Hi! Yes this entry is entirely mine, it's not an excerpt from anywhere :) Glad you like it!

Anonymous said...