Friday, January 14, 2011

Artsy Fartsy

I was never particularly spectacular with drawings, but it was one my creative releases when I was younger. I used to long for sketch pads, dream of owning a NICE charcoal stick and a suitable holder, exploring all arts and crafts stores, ogling at special erasers and all kinds of things that make an art piece.

I miss the days when I had just one good marker pen. That marker pen was my best friend. It expressed all my needs, anger, happiness, fear and loathing. I called it "my husband". High school friends might testify if they remember :S

I was the head of the Publicity Department for the Christian Fellowship in school. What that basically meant was that I was in charge of the notice board. It was literally, my personal piece of art block, sponsored by the school! I had the liberty to choose any colour, any background layout, any paper texture, any paper pattern, of any design and any size! Dream come true for a messy arty person like me. Just BLAH! and BLAM! My piece.

In fact, I remember keeping some of my sketch books.
I just can't find it now.

I used to seriously enjoy it. Now I'm just no good at it. Is drawing/sketching a skill? As in, develop-able? Talent is within, and nobody can take it away from you, neither can you lose it. Do we need to keep drawing to keep drawing well? Hmm.

Maybe I will start dabbling again.

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